A Icon Painting of Our Lady of Rocio in the colonial style of Cuzco/Pintura de Nstra. Sra. del Roc�en el estilo de la Escuela de Cuzco
The Advocation of Our Lady of Rocio is not well known in the American Continent outside the Spanish Immigrant Community. Yet the cultural and religious traditions associated with this wonderful advocation to the Mother of Our Lord Jesus Christ are in many ways weaved into the reality of the Spanish Conquest of The Americas, and the cultural exchange that took place and perhaps continues to take place from Spain to the Americas and to some extend from the South to the North of The American Continent.

El Simpecado de Nstra. Sra. del Rocío de Las Américas The Processional Banner of Our Lady of Rocio of The Americas
Spanish traditions are embedded into the heart of it's ex-colonies and territories, including The United States. It has always amazed me to see how many places in these great adopted homeland of ours have Spanish names. Everywhere you go, from Ohio, to the Southern States, and as far North as Alaska, you will find small reminders that the Spaniards were here. Although the conquistadores are long gone, many of the traditions that we may now identified as "Mexican" or Latino can trace their origin to Spain.
Our Official Medal - A tribute to H.H. John Paul II who asked that the entire world joined in the Rociero Movement! Nuestra Medalla Oficial - La cual es un tributo a S.S. Juan Pablo II quien pidio que Todo el Mudo Sea Rociero!
Although the history of conquest is not something we may wish to glorified in this day an age, we can not deny that we are all a product of these great human migration. Aside from naming many of the places we call home today, the Spaniards left us a great cultural heritage including many of the Mission Churches that served as cultural centers in their golden days. As you travel from San Francisco to Carmel, then further south to Monterrey, Santa Barbara, and San Diego, or east to Tucson's Saint Xavier del Bac, you can't help but notice some of the rich cultural heritage and perhaps bitter-sweet history these places hold. You can almost hear the ancient whispered prayers of all those who one day passed through these churches and stopped to pray and perhaps hoped for a better tomorrow.
Image of Our Lady of Rocio during her visit to San Diego, CA in May 20082007 La Virgen del Rocío de Las Americas durante su visita a San Diego, CA en Mayo del 2008
Out of the past are born traditions, and we must make a conscious effort not to let the foot-steps of our ancestors be forgotten. With time, traditions are revived, re-invented, and adopted to new surroundings in the hopes of keeping them alive for generations to come. Whether its "Cinco de Mayo", the celebrations of Our Lady of Guadalupe, Christmas, Quinceañeras, a baptism, birthday, wedding or even a funeral, all these personal mile stones are an expression of our innerself and of the ways we were taught to deal with our most intimate, yet public emotions.
Virgen del Rocío de Vestida de Pastora Our Lady of Rocio dressed as a Shepherdess
It is therefore of no surprise that the Spanish speaking communities in California and in the ibero-american community throughout all of The Americas have taken upon themselves to preserve the beautiful traditions of El Rocio. Not only as a mere cultural tradition, but as expression of their Christian Faith.
The modern celebrations of El Rocio in California were started 1992 by La Peña Andaluza of California, under the direction of Charo Monge and it's members at large. It takes place once a year in the area of San Diego, CA. The celebration consists of a solemn Mass followed by a gathering of the community for some singing and dancing in honor of Our Lady of Rocio. People dress in Andalusian costumes and dance Fandangos and Sevillanas. The festivities high-point is the singing of the traditional Salve (Hail Mary) to Our Lady of Rocio.
It is the hope of the member of The Peña Andaluza and this new Brotherhood of Our Lady of Rocio to propagate the devotion of Our Lady of Rocio amongst all in the Catholic Community of the Americas and perhaps one day establish a "Camino del Rocio" in California along what was once the Camino Real.
Poster announcing the pilgrimage of Our Lady of Rocio in 1998 Cartel de la Romeria de 1998
Join our Brotherhood -
To Join our Brotherhood and receive a prayer card of Our Lady of Rocio, please email us your name, street address, to elrocio@elrocio.net . Membership is free for now, but we hope to collect membership dues in the future. These dues will be used for the maintenance of this web-site, organize events, and future charity projects to be agreed upon by Dues Paying Members.
Unase a Nuestra Hermandada
Para unirse a Nuestra Hermanadad, favor de enviarnos un "email" con su nombre, domicilio, teléfono. Le enviaremos una estampa de La Virgen y lo mantendremos al tanto de Nuestros eventos. La Membrecia es completamenta gratis por el momento. Si desea un certificado y Medalla de Hermano, hay que pagar una pequeña quota de membrecíla cual se utiliza para cubrir costos de la hermandad.
Images from our Celebration in Honor of Our Lady of Rocio - 2009 Imagenes de Nuestra Celebraciel Rocio - 2009
Miembros de La Hermandad de Las Américas junto con las Siervas de María, y La Comunidad Member of The Brotherhood of The Americas - 2009
Monjitas Rocieras con Olé 2009 Servants of Mary Modeling the Traditional Mantones de Manila - 2009
Our President and New Generation of Rocieros Nuestro Presidente con la nueva generación de rocieros
An image from our Mass in Honor of Our Lady of Rocio in West Hollywood - May 27th, 2007 Una imagen de Nuestra Misa en Honor a La Blanca Paloma, West Hollywood, CA - 2007
In this picture you can observe the future generations of Rocieros being watched from afar by the old generation En esta foto puede observar las nuevas generaciones de Rocieros siendo observados por la vieja generación
